Past Reunions – 2012
Added 8 pictures, courtesy of Hal and Betty, from 2012 Reunion that can be found at the following location: HERE
Picture from the Past – Albert Atnip
Albert Atnip and His Family; their picture can be found at the following location:
Uploading 1993 Family Reunion Videos
Courtesy of Hal and Betty, in the process of uploading 1993 Family Reunion videos. They are four of them and they will begin to appear at the following location:
Correction – Video
The video is posted to the 1996 Family Reunion page vice the 1999 page. My apologies. I can be located at the following link:
Past Reunion – 1999 – Added Video Clip
Courtesy of Betty and Hal, added the first of many video clips to the 1999 Past Reunion page, at the bottom which can be found at the following location: