2020 Atnip Reunion – Location Update
As many of you already know, the Reunionater, Bob Atnip, has confirmed that the 2020 Atnip Family Reunion will now be held at the Tribesman Resort in Branson, Mo https://www.tribesmanresort.com/. The Atnip clan will be checking on Monday, 13 July with the majority checking out on Sunday 19 July. The
Atnip Family News – Dominic Joseph Leo Marmo Birth
16 July 2019 – Amy and Rocco Marmo welcomed their second child, Dominic Joseph Leo Marmo, into the world. Proud grandfather, Mike Holland, reports that mother and child are doing great.
2020 Atnip Family Reunion Dates Announced
The Reunionater, Bob Atnip, has just confirmed the dates for the 2020 Atnip Family Reunion. However, as many of you know, the Totten’s Lakeside Resort has been closed and is being sold. Because of the uncertainty, we’ve decided to move the reunion to the Tribesman Resort in Branson, Mo. The
Atnip Family News – Coffey/Mancini Trip to Lake Tahoe – July 2019
Thanks to Evelyn Atnip Coffey for the 21 pictures of her family’s trip to Lake Tahoe in July 2019. Pictures can be found in the gallery below or in the Atnip Family News located HERE
Family News – John Coffey’s Birthday – June 2019
Happy birthday to John Coffey who can be seen in the picture celebrating with his family. Thanks to Evelyn Atnip Coffey for the picture which can be found below as well in the Atnip Family News located HERE
Atnip Family News – Jessica Reynolds’ Graduation – 18 May 2019
18 May 2019 – Congratulations to Jessica Marie Reynolds on her graduation from Western Seminary, an evangelical theological seminary, with a Master’s of Arts in Marriage, Couple, and Family Counseling. This is a professional graduate degree that equips counselors to offer concern and care for the whole person and provides
2010-Present Atnips through Time
May 2019 – Added 7 pictures to the 2010-Present Atnips through Time gallery. Bob Atnip and Roger Shackleford joined Steve Holland and Zachary Holland for the LSU vs Arkansas Baseball games in May 2019. Pictures can be found in the attached gallery or they can be located HERE
1960-1969 Atnips through Time
Added 15 pictures to the 1960-1969 Atnips through Time gallery courtesy of Bob Atnip and Peggy Atnip Milliot. Pictures can be found in the attached gallery or in the following gallery located HERE
Historical Documents – Newspaper Clipping
Thanks to Peggy Atnip Milliot for these clippings. The first clipping in the picture is of Mike Holland being honored with a Tenderfoot Badge. The second clipping in the picture of from an article written by our neighbor, Ralph Clayton, about how good of neighbors Lorene, Mike, Debbie and of
2000-2009 Atnips Through Time Gallery
Posted 7 pictures to the 2000-2009 Atnips Through Time gallery, courtesy of Bob Atnip, which of course was cleared by Greg Atnip before posting. Pictures can be found in the included gallery or in the 2000-2009 gallery located HERE