7 thoughts on “Pre-1950

  1. Hi Steve….Reggie Barrett here. Love looking at the pics and reading about your family history. A friend of mine (I may have mentioned her when you were at the resort) is a Davis. Her dad is (was) Carl Davis and he grew up at Shook. Would you mind if I sent her the link to your site so she can see if “your” Davis family is hers? Miss you all. xxo

  2. Hi Steve, David Perkins, Glenda Jones son here, Wow, thanks for sharing all the great pictures, in case you hadn’t heard, my Mother passed on January 7th of 2018

    1. David, I’m sorry to hear about your mother. I lost mine a couple of years ago and it’s a loss that you never get over. I’ve sent the word out to the family via the website. Thanks for reaching out to us. Would love to see you at our reunion in July. Steve H

  3. Hey David, this is Bobby Atnip, Eva Davis Atnip son. Sorry to hear about your mom. We didn’t know. I would like to personally invite you to stop by at our reunion in July. Info is on this website. It would be great if your might have some old pictures and stories to share with us. Please tell others about website and reunion.

  4. Hi there. My name is Ryan Boyer. I found your website working on my own family tree, and it looks like we intersect a few generations back. One of John Robert Atnip’s kids was John Alexander. He had a daughter named Lottie Brown. This is where I come from. I can’t find a contact place on this site, but would like to visit with the person responsible for it. My email address is RyanBoyer5@gmail.com. I would love to introduce myself if someone can reach out to me. Thanks.

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