
“For my granddaughter, Michelle”


Our little butterfly’s name is Michelle

She’s as perfect as a rose.

I know she’s a gift from heaven above

God whispered and told me so. 

She flutters and floats like an airy cloud.

She never gets in a hurry.

She comes and goes wherever she wills;

Unlike snow darting down in a flurry.

Her style of dress is uniquely her own.

I’ve seen her in purple and green.

But whatever color she’s wearing today,

You can bet she’ll look like a queen.

People who see her exclaim at the sight,

‘cause her smile lights up her whole face.

She’s gentle, thoughtful and beautiful,

both inside and out with God’s grace.

She’s graceful, lovely, and soft as lashes

that flutter upon her soft cheek.

She’s fearless, bold and daring, too, 

But she’s also shy and meek.       

Where ever she goes at a task or at play

She’ll stay only a little while.

Then like smoke or the seed of a dandelion,

She drifts slowly away with a smile.  

To those of us who love her so

She’s more precious than any gem.

Could she be replaced by diamonds or pearls?  

No, she’s worth more than any of them. 

Her wings are fragile and soft as down.

They can easily be broken, you see.  

So don’t try to hold her or pin her down.

Please let her fly happy and free.



2 thoughts on “Our Little Butterfly: A Poem By Peggy Atnip Milliot, 2010

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