Aunts, uncles, cousins, brothers, sisters and close family friends,

As time passes, memories begin to fade and family pictures begin to get lost, misplaced, inadvertently thrown out, or just stored away in old boxes, never to be seen again.

I’d like you to consider going through your old photo albums, shoe boxes, or anywhere else you may be storing those older photographs and find some way to get them to me so I can share them with the family.

I’d really like to focus on pictures from the 1980s and before, with special focus on pre-1950s photographs.

In addition to the pictures or videos, if you have a story that you’d like to see preserved in the family story section, please send those along as well while they’re still fresh in your memory.

Any way you can get them to me; scan, mail, take digital picture, carrier pigeon.

Thanks ahead of time,


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