Although we may never know exactly how Orley and Eva met, using U.S. Census data, we can form a relatively good idea how the proximity of their families between 1920 and 1927 led to their meeting and eventual marriage. If you have additional information that can help fill in the pieces, please let me know.

1920 U.S. Census

On January 16, 1920, John Robert Atnip (Orley’s father), Melissa his wife and his two sons, Orley and Albert, were property owners, lived on 269 Chaonia Road, in Saint Francois, Wayne County, Missouri.


On January 24, 1920, Phillip Stockard Davis (Eva’s father), Lucy his wife, his three daughters Eva, Erva, and Nola and his two sons, Orville and Lester lived on a farm they owned in Lost Creek Township, Wayne County, Missouri.

Their data was recorded 8 days apart and by different enumerators in different districts of Wayne County.


Phillip S. Davis and John R. Atnip lived about 16.5 miles apart.


1930 U.S. Census

On April 18, 1930, Phillip Stockard Davis (Eva’s father), Lucy his wife, his four daughters Erva, Nola, Nola, and Thelma, and his three sons, Orville, Lester and Roy lived on a farm they owned labeled as“dwelling number 106” in Lost Creek Township, Wayne County, Missouri.

On April 18, 1930, John Robert Atnip (Orley’s father), Melissa his wife and his one son Albert, lived on a farm they owned labeled as“dwelling number 108” in Lost Creek Township, Wayne County, Missouri.

Their data was recorded on the same day, indicating the families lived very close, with only one dwelling between them.

Noticeably missing on Phillip’s and John’s 1930 U.S. Census were Eva Davis and Orley Atnip.  The reason?

Sometime between the 1920 and 1930 census, they met, courted, and finally married on 11 September 1927.


It is not inconceivable to believe, and in which some family members support, the notion that Orley and Eva met in the church that both families attended in the Lost Creek Township.


In the 1930 Census, Orley and Eva were renting a home in Liberty Township, Saint Francois County, Missouri, with their daughter Marie and their son, Robert.

The distance between Liberty Township and Lost Creek Township was about 67 miles.

2 thoughts on “Atnip and Davis Families – When and Where They Came Together

  1. Steve, this is wonderful! What a great job you are doing. It is so interesting to learn more and more about our family. Thank you so much. We do appreciate all the work you are doing.

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