Added 100 pictures to the 2018 Atnip Family Reunion page.  Pictures can be found HERE

2 thoughts on “2018 Atnip Family Reunion

  1. Such a wonderful trip! I have a wonderful family. Thanks to everyone for all your hard work! It was very much appreciated. I’ll view pictures, at length, on my computer, after I get home and have a few minutes!

  2. I agree. It was a wonderful family reunion, thanks mostly to Bob who planned and directed the whole thing, thanks to all the cooks and especially Hal, who cooked breakfast every morning and taught everyone who to square dance again, and thanks to Chucks family…it was great to see all of you again, and thanks to Gwen and Carl for attending for the first time. I hope you all had as much fun as I did, especially looking for Little river (personally I don’t think we ever found it), while we chomped on Carl’s brownies. we hope to see all of you in two years . Loved it!

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